Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You must not have kids.....

UGHH....Jillian and I had a 27 minute meeting last night...but tonight..NOT going to happen. 
In fact, we are not speaking at the moment. I'd love to work out...I'd love to get my push-up on...but it is 8:16...and I have not eaten dinner yet....

I love all these bogs about the 30 day shred.
"Do it every day"  "Make sure you don't skip a day"
"If you have to skip, do it TWICE the next day"

WTF...It's not like I meant to skip today!  Who do these people think they are?  They all have one thing in common...they are young, single and they do not have the kid pooch!!  I feel like I need a note from all the people I came in contact with today, like an excuse.

"Who doesn't have 20 minutes in their day?" OOHHH pick me, pick me!!  I have 20 min right now.  I am choosing to eat a piece of chicken, and pass out. (PS, I have on the workout clothes, does that count?)

Better luck tomorrow!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

5 Ways to Fake a Thigh Gap....

Balance Ball or Balance Time......sigh

It has been a tough couple of days to find the time to hang with Jillian Michaels, walk or do anything that resembles exercise. 

Jillian and I did not meet up last night; however, I did get in a nice walk....about 3 miles.  Gold fish were consumed in abundance! (NOT BY ME!)

This is really great practice for what life will be like when the bubble that I live in, named summer, is popped and the real world smacks me in my plump, yet getting firmer, behind!

We have been on our own since Friday and while I love my pumpkin trying to do a downward dog and falling on her head.....or her attempt at a good jumping is a little difficult to stay focused and motivated while she is bouncing around with me.  She is cute as a button, and funny as can be, but those laughs only burn so many calories.

Today was a good start though!! I hope Jillian and I can rendezvous this evening over some chilled water and a balance ball...but we will see.  My uphill walk today might have to be enough.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

ITC (Inner Thigh Clearance)

I am in hot pursuit of what I am calling ITC or Inner Thigh Clearance.....the whole shorts riding up thing is beyond annoying.  I walk around all day long like I have something in my shorts...which lately has been my daughters MO.  We only need one person to have that issue and on her it's almost cute.

Even when I was little I even had ITC.  I was small, thin, fit, but my damn thighs always had the ability to start a fire better than the best boy scout!  

Jillian Michaels says she can make ITC a reality...skeptical...VERY skeptical.  Day two complete, along with a three mile walk.  The little one at enough for a group of preschoolers... after she "allowed" me to get the walk in.

There is a crazy week ahead of me.  No husband to help for 5 days, lots of tutoring, dancing (not me), tumbling (not me) and again, I'm reminded that the people want food, drinks and clean clothes.

This is a good test for me.  Once school starts, I will be dealing with this type of schedule routinely.  I just have to figure out a way to get it in.  I may cry at 8 pm when I'm doing jumping jacks, while Jillian is shouting..."You're looking GREAT!" or " Only 12 More to go!" 

I'm going to have to forgive myself if I don't get to it, watch what I eat more closely, and just do the best that I can. is all about ITC!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shred it!

After a fun day at Vaan Saan Park and Zoo, naptime couldn't come quick enough!  (Not that she is napping, mind you)
No down time today....Jillian Michaels and I are spending 27 minutes of FUN together...Cue 30 Day Shred Level 1.

30 Day Shred came recommended.  I did level one and it was tough but not awful!  Depending on how my knees feel tomorrow I intend to try it again.  Thank you to the beautiful, toned perfect chick who does the "modified" version. I watched her the whole time and felt that they needed a lesson in what it means to modify!
exercise cartoon 30 Day Shred – Finished Day 1 (Chime in)

It looks like I will have to invest in the other Shred videos, but for now I will do 10 days of level one and see how it goes..stay tuned!

Monday, July 22, 2013

This counts...Right??

This counts.....right?

We were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6 am today! What else is there to do?  We went for a nice LONG walk.  In order to keep my daughter engaged, I got the bright idea to let her pick the directions we would walk...OY!  We went up every single hill that she could find.  EXHAUSTING!
Photo: Out and about!
We walked about 2.5 miles...mostly uphill and THEN went to the park...where I may have worked out more than she did!  Still it wasn't a bad exercise day...
I haven't typed much about my diet, however; I do see a nutritionist once a month for some stomach issues, and overall my diet is pretty balanced.  The issue right now is finding the motivation to stick with this over the 180 day school year! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

All in the Family

                                                     All in the Family: It's an up-hill kind of day....
It's hot! Let's go for a walk!  I'm usually all for a good uphill kind of walk, but 90 degrees was pushing it! 
We logged a little over a mile while a certain someone had the luxury of just chillin' in her stroller...ahhh to be a toddler.  I'm actually pretty proud of how I did today.  A long walk, cleaned my house, which I found out burns quite a few calories!
I found this link that gives a general amount of calories burned while I was scrubbing the tub.
 Even the little one got in on the action....
In the end it was a day of walking, cleaning and swimming.  It was fun; Which is really what matters!